

Hello! I’m Hilary (Natalea/Nat) and I’ve played WoW since a few months into vanilla. I’ve been on Arygos/Llane since ICC days and joined Critical Hit early on in Legion. Back then the guild was more of a social/leveling guild and I joined specifically to help grow and run the raid group.

Outside of WoW, I work as a training coach for a large insurance company and collect board games (currently have a little over 1000). I have three adult children that all dabble in WoW but have their own things going on. My other half is Ryan aka Cadmius, who is an officer in CH (we met in WoW!).

My intention as a leader is to ensure an active, safe and enjoyable environment for all guildmembers regardless of level of experience. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any ideas or suggestions for guild events, discord, in-game play, etc.

Guild MasterRaid Team
